Everyone interested in German culture and history can take part in virtual quiz “Do you know Germany?”
The virtual quiz "Do you know Germany" is held as part of the program "Days of Germany in Petrozavodsk".
The Quiz is organized by the Department of German and French languages of Petrozavodsk State University. The main purposes of the Quiz are:
- to form an interest in the history and culture of Germany - to motivate citizens to find information about Germany - to activate the creative initiatives of citizens
- to strengthen the interaction of PetrSU, the City Administration, public and other organizations in the field of international activities.
Any person from Petrozavodsk older than 7 years can participate in the Quiz. The quiz is conducted from 11th of September to 1st of November 2017. The questions and regulations of the quiz will be posted on the webpage of the Department of German and French languages of PetrSU in the section "Competitions" on 11.09.2017 https://petrsu.ru/structure/461/kafedranemetskogoifr
The quiz consists of 30 questions, covering the following areas: sports, cinema, gastronomy, music, sister ties, famous figures of the past and modern times, history and modernity of Germany. The answers to the questions should be sent to the e-mail address: petrsu.german@gmail.com, indicating in the subject line "Quiz. Do you know Germany? ", as well as your personal information (full name, age, contacts - phone number, e-address) not later than 15th of October 2017. The jury will take into account the correctness of the answers and time of the responses.
The works received after the 15 October 2017 are not allowed to participate in the competition. The results of the Quiz will be announced on the 1st of November 2017. The place and time of the awarding the winners who will take the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be announced additionally.
Winners will have prizes!!