Lesson of courage under the project “war remember and do not repeat

On November 2018, Fund « Petrozavodsk » Win the president’s Grant of Russian federation of the Project implementation «Война – помнить и не повторять». The project aims is to create in the local history Museum of Pitkaranta’s city named after V.F. Sebina a full-fledged historical exposition consecrate to the Winter War 1939-1940 and the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, as well as on the Patriotic education to young people of Pitkaranta municipal district and the city of Petrozavodsk through the participation of young people in the events designed to help them become familiar with the military of their native land. As a first event of the project a lesson of courage to help schoolchildren of Pitkaranta to get acquainted with the military story of their native land was organised. Since the end of January and along February was organised in to Pitkaranta’s secondary school lessons about the Winter War in general and military operations in Pitkaranta in Particular. In the secondary school № 1 was held 3 lessons in which participated 133 schoolboys grade 9-11. In the school №2 267 schoolboys took part in 5 lessons. The Pitkaranta’s city local history museum named after V.F. Sebina, told the children a detailed lecture on the Winter War in Karelia, presented photographs and quotes from the memories, materials and photographs that the searchers found in Pitkäranta territory. The next event, will be a military-patriotic education of Pitkaranta’s region young people, is the «Ski Trail of heroes». It will be held on March 16. Schoolchildren of the city and students of Petrozavodsk State University will go on a ski trip to the military-historical sites of the region from the Cross of Grief and further along the route of memorial sites. At the end of the circuit, after passing through five points, schoolchildren will have meals on a mobile field kitchen and will lay garlands of Glory, made by them during the trek. The next event will be a military-patriotic education of young people in the Pitkäranta region, under the name “Ski Trail of Heroes”. It will be held on March 16 in Pitkäranta. Schoolchildren of the city and students of Petrozavodsk State University will go on a ski trip to the military-historical sites of the region from the Cross of Grief and further along the memorial sites. At the end of the route, after passing through five points, schoolchildren will have meals on a mobile field kitchen and will lay garlands of Glory, made by them during the trek.