2019 Germany Days celebrate the 30th anniversary of Petrozavodsk and Tübingen cooperation

2019 Germany Days celebrate the 30th anniversary of Petrozavodsk and Tübingen cooperation
This year, Germany Days in Petrozavodsk started on October 3 with the arrival of delegation from Tübingen, its twin city, as a part of the "Citizen Travels" project led by “West-Ost" Society (Tübingen) and with the opening of "Tübingen - Petrozavodsk: Double reflection" international photo contest winners exhibition at the City Exhibition Hall.
During the Germany Days, Tübingen delegation will come to Petrozavodsk more than once. On September 25-27, the puppet troupe "Papilio+ GOBELIN", consisting of Yanni Wagler and Anna Rosenfelder, and Boris Kudryavtsev, Petrozavodsk actor-puppeteer, will have a joint performance. The performance for the first grade students will take place at one of the city schools.
On October 3-4, "Prresto" Choir from Tübingen will perform in Petrozavodsk. "Prresto" Choir and Academic Female Choir "Gloria" will collaborate to participate in the Festive Evening in honor of the 30th anniversary of twinning between Petrozavodsk and Tübingen, which will take place at the Concert Hall of Children's Music and Choir School
The official visit by Tübingen delegation will fall on October 8-12. The opening of the exhibition of archive materials relating to Tübingen and Petrozavodsk interaction history was set up to coincide with the arrival of the delegation The members of the delegation will take part in "Petrozavodsk - Tübingen: experience and cooperation perspectives" round-table talks, which will also be attended by experts from city universities, local authorities and NGOs representatives.
Germany Days program includes both traditional and new events.
From September 5 to October 5, citizens are welcome to visit the exhibition at the National Library of the Republic of Karelia titled "Germany: yesterday, today, tomorrow". On September 9-22, the Institute of Foreign Languages of PetrSU will hold "Die Mauer – eine Grenze durch Deutschland" ("The wall - a border inside Germany") exhibition, assembled by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship and Bild and Die Welt newspapers. From September 15 to October 15, the online quiz "Tubingen, out twin city" will be held. During the fall, seminars for German language teachers, screenings of modern German films, and exhibitions and open lectures for citizens will be held.
"Germany Days" events are prepared and carried out with the support of KRC NGOs, Petrozavodsk State University, International Youth Center, Cultural Center "Premier", German Cultural Center in Petrozavodsk, National Archive of the Republic of Karelia and Petrozavodsk Municipal Archive, Derzhavinsky lyceum, City Exhibition Hall, National Library of Karelia, "Malenkaya Strana" Creative Center, Children's Music and Choir School, Petrozavodsk City Administration, and "Friends of Tübingen" club. The main coordinator of the event is the Karelian Regional Fund "Petrozavodsk".
The project is sponsored by the German Embassy in Moscow and Germany General Consulate in St. Petersburg, Tübingen Mayor's Office, Tübingen University, “West-Ost" Society (Tübingen), and Goethe German Cultural Center in St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk City Administration and President Grants Fund
Please find the program of the events attached.