Meeting with the EU Delegation to Russia

The EU Delegation to Russia and the Karelian Resource Center of Public Organizations (KRC) held a meeting on 21 September 2021.
On the EU Delegation side, the meeting was attended by Deputy Head of the Delegation Ivana Noršić, Minister-Counsellor, and the Head of S&T Section Laurent Bochereau and Press Officer Anastasia Zelenko. On the KRC side, among the participants were KRC Director General Nikolai Oskin, KRC Deputy Director General Ksenia Chumak and Coworking Center ‘Boiling Point’ Director Aleksandr Konovalov.
Nikolai Oskin spoke about the KRC activities for the past 20 years of NGO's existence. The emphasis was made on the international projects as KRC has a rich history of implementing projects under the European Neighborhood Instrument Cross-Border Cooperation Programs, the Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programs and Nordic Council of Ministers' Grant Programmes for Nordic-Baltic Non-Governmental Organisations.
The ongoing project "PROZVET – Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia through expanding the role and participation of local public organizations and women in multilateral territorial alliances" funded by the EU was a key topic of the discussion. The project team presented the interim results and highlighted the current activities they are undertaking particularly the Grant Competition for NGOs announcement and launching of educational course for unemployed and/or interested in starting business women and start-up female entrepreneurs who want to start a business (entrepreneurship in tourism).
We would like to thank the EU Delegation to Russia for the meeting and for the opportunity to present our work.