Working Meeting under the ‘Industrial Karelia’ Project in Suoyarvi

On 31 August, the meeting of partners and participants of the ‘Industrial Karelia: Past and Present’ project, supported by the Presidential Grants Fund, took place in Suoyarvi. The aim of the project is to preserve the mining and industrial heritage and historical memory of the Republic of Karelia in order to nurture a sense of patriotism among the inhabitants of the region and to boost territorial development. Target districts of the project are Pitkyarantsky, Pryazhinsky and Suoyarvsky Districts.
During the meeting the planned activities were discussed, above all, the area beautification of the cast iron smelter factory. The Annantehdas Factory operated in the vicinity of lakes Suoyarvi and Salonyarvi from 1804 to 1904. In addition, the partners are preparing materials for local history readings and classes for schoolchildren, as well as collecting information for placards and for the book on the industrial history of target districts.
An important event will be the opening of the permanent exhibition on industrial history in the Local History Museum of Suoyarvsky District.