Start of the ‘Industrial Karelia: Past and Present’ Project

The ‘Industrial Karelia: Past and Present’ project was launched on August 1. The project is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund. The aim of the project is to preserve the mining and industrial heritage and historical memory of the Republic of Karelia in order to nurture a sense of patriotism among the inhabitants of the region and to boost territorial development. Target districts are Pitkyarantsky, Pryazhinsky, Suoyarvsky Districts.
The project team made the first trip to the Pryazhinsky District to conduct an examination of Tulmozersky Iron Smelter which is part of the project area. Representatives of the Ethnocultural Center of the Pryazhinsky District, activists and the project team examined the area, discussed the possibilities of territory improvement, as well as the timetable of activities for the project implementation.
Some activities are scheduled for 2022 and will be held on the territory of Tulmozersky factory. These activities are the Family Team Competition ‘Karelian Style Fort Boyard’ and the International Song Ethnofestival ‘Singing Stones’. In addition, educational activities on the history of the native land will be organized in Pitkyaranta, Suoyarvi and Pryazha. Among them, classes and local history readings at schools devoted to the mining history, a quiz on industrial history and excursions to mining and industrial heritage sites.