Final Conference of the ‘School Museum’ Project

The final conference of the ‘School Museum – a Meeting Place and a Platform for Twin City Cooperation’ project, financed by the Presidential Grants Foundation, was held online on January 26-27.
A section entitled ‘Museum Pedagogy: Modern Practices of Working with Children’ took place on January 26. The section presented the experience of creating the school museum of twin city relations of Petrozavodsk, established under the project at the Derzhavinsky Lyceum.
Heads of school museums from Veliky Novgorod, Kostomuksha, Pryazha and Petrozavodsk took part in the conference. They presented the experience of using modern technologies for working with youth with the help of school museums, taking distance learning into account. In addition, the experience in the application of modern forms of work with children was presented.
The section ‘People's Diplomacy: Current Challenges’ was held on January 27 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, where the main activities of the ‘School Museum’ project were presented and the results of the joint work of partners were summed up.
Partners from Finland, Germany and Veliky Novgorod spoke about international projects and exchange programs as instruments of people’s diplomacy. Moreover, projects implemented in the field of people's diplomacy in Petrozavodsk and in particular in the Derzhavinsky Lyceum were presented.
Karelian Resource Center of NGOs (KRC) expresses gratitude to all the partners for their active participation in the project and support. KRC is particularly grateful to the Derzhavinsky Lyceum, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia, the Administration of the Petrozavodsk City District, the Administration of Veliky Novgorod, and the Karelian Foundation for the Development of Education as well as INPO Golubye Yeli.
The final conference was held jointly with the XXV Regional Conference ‘Derzhavin Readings’ and with the participation of the project ‘Cross-communications ‘North-South-West-East’ as a toolkit for overcoming alienation between countries.