“National Battalion of the Karelian Front”: Presentation of the Book

On 2 December, the Karelian Resource Center of NGOs held a presentation of a new book at the House of Peoples’ Friendship of the Republic of Karelia. The book was issued by Ostrova Publishing House. The collection “National Battalion of the Karelian Front” was released as part of the eponymous project, implemented with the support of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia.
The publication is timed to the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, in which many different nations participated. The collection includes stories about famous Karelian soldiers, as well as Heroes of the Soviet Union and those whose names many did not know. Honored journalist Yuri Shleikin and regional librarians worked on the publication. Significant support in the preparation was provided by Senator of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Igor Zubarev, the Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Karelia and KRO Blue Highway.
The Head of the Project, KRC NGOs Director General Nikolai Oskin made a welcoming speech to the audience. Yuri Shleikin, the editor of the collection and the Editor-in-Chief of Ostrova Publishing House, presented the book “National Battalion of the Karelian Front” to the public. The manager of the project department Darina Ermolenko told about the main activities and results of the project, within the framework of which the book was published. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia Tatyana Tishkova shared her impressions about the project activities held in the Suoyarva district.
Nikolai Oskin presented letters of appreciation to the partners: Head of the Rosreestr Department for the Republic of Karelia Anna Kondratieva and specialist of the MBU Ethnocultural Center of the Pryazhinsky National Municipal District Tatiana Seppyanen. The event ended with a general discussion of the project, a copy of the collection was given to all participants.