Subtotal results of the «Karelia Industrial» project

The project "Karelia Industrial: History and Present" that is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund, began on August 1, 2021. The aim of the project is to preserve the mining and industrial heritage and historical memory of the Republic of Karelia for the development of patriotism among the residents of the region and for the territorial development. The target areas of the project are Pitkyarantsky, Pryazhinsky, Suoyarvsky districts.
During these five months, our large project team managed to hold more than 10 working meetings with partners and experts both in Petrozavodsk and in all 3 target areas; to buy and transfer equipment and consumables to the districts, including: a color printer for the Museum of Local History in Suoyarvi, an interactive touch table for the City Library of Pitkyaranta , a protective mesh for installation on the walls of the Tulmozersk Plant for safe events and bags and gloves for holding cleaning events at target sites.
We’ve also managed to hold 6 cleaning events at the objects of industrial history. Five of them are located in Pitkyarantsky district and one in Suoyarvsky district. More than 280 people attended these events. What’s more important, with the involvement of special equipment we’ve been able to to carry out serious work to eliminate the landfill at the Ristioi factory. We are grateful to the members of the Local History Club "Obereg" and the Museum of Local History of the Suoyarvsky district. Next year the cleaning events will continue.
Our plans for the next year includes conducting a series of local history readings for school students and young people on the industrial history of the districts; the development of a single tourist route through the objects of the mining history of the Pryazhinsky, Suoyarvsky and Pitkyarant municipal districts.
In 2022, several events are planned to be held on the territory of the Tulmozersk plant, including the Competition of family teams "Ford Boyar in Karelian" and the International Song Ethnofestival "Singing Stones". An important event will be the creation of a permanent exhibition in the Museum of Local History Suoyarvsky district and an exhibition of publications on industrial history on the basis of the Pitkyaranta City Library. Cleaning events, local history readings will continue, a quiz for schoolchildren and adults will be held. An infotour will be organized for representatives of travel companies along the developed route, and a promo video will also be prepared by autumn. In addition, a publication on the industrial history of the target areas is being prepared as part of the project.
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The project "Karelia Industrial: History and Present" is funded by the Presidential Grants Fund.
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