Work continues in Kazan

This morning, members of the delegation from the Republic of Karelia met with representatives of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In May of this year, Sharipova Guzel Azatovna, director of the Republican Center for Youth, Innovation and Prevention Programs “Navigator,” took part in a round table in Pryazha, and already then the first conversation took place about cooperation between the republics in the field of youth policy. Today, the discussion continued on possible joint projects, areas for sharing experience with Guzel Azatovna and specialists from the Navigator center. The meeting was attended by the director of the House of Friendship of Peoples of Tatarstan, Irek Ildusovich Sharipov.
There was also a meeting with Timur Kadyrov, Chairman of the Youth Assembly of the Peoples of Tatarstan, who spoke about the main projects and ways to attract young people to work together.
We hope for further fruitful cooperation!
The trip was organized within the framework of the project “Interethnic relations in the modern world: new challenges - solutions”, implemented with the support of the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.