Bulletin of Non-Governmental Organizations

Today, at the office of the Karelian Resource Center of Public Organizations, a meeting of the Editorial Board on the publication of the newspaper "Bulletin of Non-Governmental Organizations of Karelia" was held. The event was attended by employees of the Karelian Resource Center of Public Organizations, representatives of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia and the Ostrova publishing house.
The new issue will include information about public events held in Karelia, the results of past projects and new initiatives of Karelian Non-Profit Organizations.
The Bulletin is scheduled for release in November 2023. The circulation will be transferred to 14 Centers for Interethnic Cooperation of the Republic of Karelia, project partners, libraries, and authorities.
The Bulletin of Non-Governmental Organizations of Karelia is being prepared within the framework of the project “Interethnic relations in the modern world: new challenges - solutions”, implemented with the support of the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.