Day of Zaonezhye

On 27 July, the village of Velikaya Guba celebrates the Day of Zaonezhye. We decided that this was the perfect occasion to present our exhibition about copper mining in Zaonezhye and the Spirovsky ironworks in Foimoguba.
The festival was also visited by Heinrich Butenant von Rosenbusch himself, who told the guests about the history of the factories in the Zaonezhye region.
Besides, everyone could see the exhibition of Karelian minerals and examine the most beautiful specimens in a microscope.
The exhibition will be travelling around the Houses of Culture of Zaonezhye, and the miner's costume will be used for excursions.
We thank our partner ANO ‘Zaonezhskaya izba’ and Natalia Vilk for the invitation to the holiday and preparation of the site
The exhibition and the miner's costume were created as part of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’. The project is realised using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #KareliaIndustrial #MiningIndustrialHeritage of Karelia