Yesterday, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Geography and Tourism of the A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University arrived in Petrozavodsk A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University’ arrived in Petrozavodsk

... and immediately sent to Zaonezhye. As part of the practical departure the guys will study the objects of the mountain-industrial heritage of Medvezhegorskoye and work on their projects for the development of tourism.
3 days the guys will spend in Shunga, will study the sights of the settlement, and most importantly study the Shunga open cut. We thank the administration of MCOU ‘Shunga SOSH’ for the reception and accommodation of the group.
Practice supervisor: associate professors of the Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Service Industry Candidate of Geographical Sciences S.V. Pisarenko and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A.A. Fomin.
Summer camp of students is held within the framework of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’. The project is realised using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #Kareliaindustrial #MountainIndustrialHeritageofKarelia