Brick yard news

Within the framework of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’ active work is being carried out in Pitkyaranta. In the Brick Yard of the Local History Club ‘Obereg’ new showcases and signs with the description of bricks have appeared.
The first excursions have started - on May, 31st there was an excursion for children and teachers from the State Budgetary Social Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘Centre of help to children ¹7’ of Pitkyaranta.
During the excursion the children got acquainted with the industrial history of Pitkyaranta district, learnt to identify the main minerals found in the Ladoga region, took a walk to Cape Ristiniemi.
The official opening of the exhibition will take place soon!
The showcases and labels were produced as part of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’. The project is realised using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #Kareliaindustrial #mountainindustrialheritageofKarelia