First research trip to the Shunga open-pit mine

On the last weekend of April, the first research trip to the Shunga open-pit mine took place as part of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’ supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.
The main purpose of the trip was to continue collecting scientific material about the unique shungite adit in the Zaonezh village of Shunga. The leader of the research group was Anton Yushko, the coordinator of the underground research was Igor Khlebalin, a well-known geologist, speleologist and guide, and the information support on the way was provided by journalist Andrey Kondratyev. Also Ksenia Chumak, the project coordinator, joined the research team on the spot.
Shungsky open pit is a specially protected natural area, research at the site is agreed with the project partner - the Directorate of specially protected natural areas.
Now the main entrance to the adit is flooded, but the researchers managed to find a reserve entrance to the underground space, refine the topo-survey, carry out technical photography, install a thermometer in the far part of the adit and take samples. The trip confirmed the urgent need for further research of this underground facility, unique for Karelia, and provided invaluable scientific material.
The research trips will result in a report with recommendations for further use of the site for educational purposes and tourism. The next field trip is scheduled for the end of June.
The project is implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
Photo: Andrey Kondratyev, Igor Khlebalin, Anton Yushko, Ksenia Chumak
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