On 22 March, the Ministry of Nature Protection of Karelia hosted a round table ‘Recreational activities in regional protected areas of the Republic of Karelia’

Representatives of public non-profit organisations were told about the most popular SPNAs, their tourism potential and ways of interaction with the Directorate of SPNAs.
Ksenia Chumak presented the project ‘Karelia Industrial: New Dimensions’ as an example of successful interaction between NGOs and the Directorate in the process of preparing a project proposal and in practical implementation. It should be reminded that one of the pilot objects of the project is the Shunga open-pit mine, a protected area in the Medvezhegorsk district.
Dmitry Bobrov, Project Manager of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation ‘Centre for Social Tourism Development’ (project ‘Kizhskie Skerries. Liberation’) also shared his experience of cooperation and implementation of projects in protected areas.
In addition, Elena Suslina (Grant Support Centre) and Ekaterina Isakova (General Director of the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan) told the seminar participants about the existing grant support programmes and what is important to consider in your project before applying for a grant.
The project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’ is implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #KareliaIndustrial