On 13 March in St. Petersburg, the Eighteenth ethno-festival ‘Land of Kalevala-2024’ took place in the ceremonial halls of the Tavrichesky Palace

Ksenia Chumak, a representative of KRCLC took part in the festival. At the section ‘Land of Kalevala: tourism projects and territorial development’ Ksenia made a report ‘Mountain-industrial heritage of Karelia in project activities’, presenting the experience of implementation of grant projects of the Presidential Grants Foundation, Potanin Foundation and Rosmolodezh. In particular, a new project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’ was announced.
In addition, the tourist route ‘The Stone Necklace of Arctic Karelia’ became the winner in the nomination ‘Ethno Route’ of the festival's competitive programme!
The route was developed within the framework of the project ‘Tourist route “Stone necklace of Arctic Karelia” (winner of the competition Rosmolodezh.Grants among individuals in 2023).
#RosmolodezhGrants #Kareliaindustrial #mountain-industrialheritage of Karelia
#Kalevala Land #kalevalafest #kalevalamaa #withinKarelia #KarelianCommonwealth