On 27 February, a presentation of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’ was held at the A.F. Korablev Museum in Pudozhsk

Ksenia Chumak, the project coordinator, told about the goals and objectives of the project, the main planned activities, focusing on the activities in Pudozhsky district. Within the framework of the project it is planned to conduct 3 expedition trips to the objects of mining-industrial heritage of the district, to prepare a new exhibition on the basis of the museum dedicated to geology and mining-industrial heritage, to hold a conference ‘Korablevskie Readings’ and classes with children, as well as to install information stands. The district administration and the Pudozhsk Museum are the official partners of the project.
The Central District Library prepared a small exhibition with books and periodicals from different years on the project theme.
The event was attended by representatives of the Pudozhsky District Administration, the Korablev Pudozhsky Museum, the Pudozhsky Library System, as well as local local local historians and interested citizens.
We thank the museum for providing the premises and all partners for their participation and useful suggestions for the project implementation.
The presentation of the project in Sortavala will take place on 29 February
The project is realised with the help of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #Kareliaindustrial #mountainandindustrialheritageofKarelia