Today, on 20 February, the presentation of the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’

Nikolai Oskin, project manager, spoke about the main tasks and areas of work within the project. Ksenia Chumak, project coordinator, presented the project activities planned in Petrozavodsk and target districts.
Recall that the goal of the project is to create conditions for preservation and popularisation of the objects of mountain-industrial history of the Republic of Karelia on the example of target districts (Medvezhegorsky and Pudozhsky).
The event was attended by representatives of the Medvezhegorsk District Administration, ANO ‘Zaonezhskaya izba’, MKU ‘Service Centre’, Medvezhegorsk District Museum, Medvezhegorsk Central City Library, as well as media representatives.
We would like to thank the District Administration for providing the premises and all partners for their participation and useful suggestions for the project implementation.
The presentation of the project in Pudozha will take place on 27 February
The project is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
#PresidentialGrantsFund #Kareliaindustrial #mountainindustrialheritageofKarelia