On 1 February we launched the project ‘Industrial Karelia: New Dimensions’

The aim of the project is to create conditions for the preservation and popularisation of the objects of the mining and industrial history of the Republic of Karelia on the example of the target districts (Medvezhegorsky and Pudozhsky).
Very interesting activities are planned within the framework of the project:
- preparation of the exposition ‘Brick Yard’ in Pitkyaranta district;
- a cycle of round tables for teachers and educators of Karelia with presentation of educational opportunities of the site ‘Mining and Industrial Heritage of the Republic of Karelia’;
- a series of local history readings and classes ‘The Game of Zaonezh Reserve’ for schoolchildren in Petrozavodsk and the districts of Karelia;
- a cycle of expeditionary and research trips: 3 trips to Pudozhsky district, 1 trip each to Pitkyaranta and Suoyarvsky districts, 5 trips of the research group to Shunga cut, Medvezhegorsky district;
-Scientific and practical events: conference ‘Geological and mining-industrial heritage of Karelia in education, museum work and tourism’ in Sortavala, conference ‘Korablev Readings’ in Pudozhsk Museum of History and Local Lore, methodical seminar for local museums;
- publication of a book on the mountain-industrial history of the Medvezhegorsk and Pudozhsk districts;
- classes with interactive elements at the Brick Yard and Ristioja Factory in the Pitkäranta district;
- preparation of a new exhibition ‘The Magic of Stone’ on the basis of the Pudozhsky Museum;
- preparation of a travelling tablet exhibition on the mining and industrial heritage of the Zaonezhsky Peninsula;
- development of an interactive programme ‘Demiurg's Secrets’ with the participation of a guide-guide with visits to copper mines and factory ruins;
- recording podcasts about the mining and industrial heritage of Karelia, etc.
Now we are preparing for the first official presentations of the project in Petrozavodsk and in the target districts, which will take place in February.
The project is being implemented with a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
Linnavaara pegmatite quarry, Pitkäranta district
#PresidentialGrantsFund #Kareliaindustrial #mountainindustrialheritageofKarelia