Free Promo Video and Website Creation for Women Entrepreneurs Competition

We are announcing a Competition for Women Entrepreneurs within the framework of the ‘Soft Power - Support of Female Entrepreneurship’ project. Girls from 18 years old who carry out entrepreneurial activities in the territory of the Republic of Karelia are invited to participate. In each nomination, the jury will select 3 winners, so the chances of winning are very high!
Competition Categories:
-Creation of Advertising Video Content;
- Creation of a website or accounts on social media and/or promotion of an existing website, as well as making changes to existing website or accounts.
To participate in the competition, you must fill out an application:
- GoogleForms format via the link
promo video:
- Word format via email:
Applications are due on 22 March at 23:00pm.
Competition regulations with detailed information and application forms are in the appendix.
The competition is held under the ‘Soft Power - Support of Female Entrepreneurship’ project, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
We are waiting for your applications and wish you good luck!